How to reset/backup/delete Acrobat Preferences and Acrobat Plugins

How to reset/backup/delete Acrobat Preferences
  • On Windows :
    1. Close the Acrobat DC application and terminate all Adobe processes from the task manager.

Windows Task Manager
  1. To Bakup/Delete Acrobat Preferences please follow the below steps:
    1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the Preferences folder:
    2. Move the Preferences folder to another location or rename it as Preferences_old (to serve as a backup).
    3. Relaunch Acrobat DC and it will generate a new Preferences folder in the original location.
    4. Note: The AppData folder is hidden and may require adjustments in File Explorer settings to gain access. Please refer to a Microsoft Article: “Show Hidden Files”, for assistance.
  2. To Bakup/Delete Acrobat Plugins please follow the below steps:
    • In Windows Explorer, navigate to the Plugins folder:
      C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat DC\Acrobat\plug_ins
    • Copy the folder and paste it in the location of your choice on your harddrive in a folder
    • Now you can delete the folder and your plugins will reset.
    • If not please perform a fill cleanup from the following article :
      How to Delete Acrobat Completely

  • On MAC Machine :
    • On macOS, user preferences are stored in a property list (.plist) files within the user library (~/library/Preferences). To reset preferences, follow these steps:
    • Create a backup:
    • Exit Acrobat and terminate all Adobe processes from the Activity Monitor.
    • Minimize other applications and click on any blank space on the desktop to select Finder (Mac’s File Explorer).
    • Select “Go” in the menu bar, then choose “Go to Folder” and enter “~/library/preferences”.
    • Locate “” and move it to a different location for backup purposes.

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