How to remove Acrobat from windows registry

remove acrobat windows registry keys

There are 2 ways to Delete Acrobat from Windows Registry:

Before starting any editing on the Windows Registry please backup by opening windows registry by the following steps in this blog :
How to backup Windows Registry

Also you would require Administrator access to your Windows in order to make changes.

  1. Manual Deletion of Acrobat from Windows Registry :
    • Open Windows Run Box by pressing WINDOWS + R key on you keyboard.
    • Then enter regedit.exe and press SHIFT + ENTER on your keyboard to run the command in administrator mode.

Windows Registry
  • This will ask you to enter your administrator username and password or click on yes. Please enter the password or click on yes.
  • Now Windows Registry will be open and if any folders are open please use sroll bar on the left panel and drag to top from the current location and click on Your Computer Name in my case its COMPUTER
Windows registry
  • Now press CTRL + F key on your keyboad together or press the Edit button on the top left of the registry and click on Find
Find in widows registry
  • Please enter Acrobat in the white text box and press ENTER
  • Now press DELETE key on your keyboard and click on yes to delete the key
Delete Acrobat Registry keys

  • Now press F3 key on your keyboard to find the next registry key and repeat the previous step to delete it and keep repeating till you delete all keys.

  1. Automatic Deletion through Windows Powershell :
    • Open Windows Run Box by pressing WINDOWS + R key on you keyboard.
    • For Powershell type in powershell
    • Press SHIFT + ENTER on your keyboard to run the command in administrator mode
      • This will ask you to enter your administrator username and password or click on yes. Please enter the password or click on yes.

Enter the below script in powershell and press enter to run :

# Define an array of root keys where you want to search
$rootKeys = @(

# Define the search term (case insensitive)
$searchTerm = "*Acrobat*"

# Recursive function to delete registry keys
function Delete-RegistryKeys {
param (

# Get all subkeys under the current path
$subKeys = Get-ChildItem -Path $path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

# Loop through each subkey
foreach ($subKey in $subKeys) {
# Check if the subkey name contains the search term
if ($subKey.Name -like $searchTerm) {
Write-Host "Deleting key: $($subKey.Name)"
Remove-Item -Path $subKey.PSPath -Recurse -Force
else {
# Recursively call the function for subkeys
Delete-RegistryKeys -path $subKey.PSPath

# Loop through each root key
foreach ($rootKey in $rootKeys) {
# Call the function with the current root key
Delete-RegistryKeys -path $rootKey

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