# Step 1: Create a backup folder if it does not exist
$backupFolderPath = "C:\Windows\RegistryBackup"
if (!(Test-Path -Path $backupFolderPath -PathType Container)) {
Write-Host "Creating backup folder: $backupFolderPath"
New-Item -Path $backupFolderPath -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null
# Step 2: Backup registry for each root key
$rootKeys = @(
foreach ($rootKey in $rootKeys) {
# Define export path for the current root key
$regPath = Join-Path -Path $backupFolderPath -ChildPath "$rootKey.reg"
# Backup the current root key
Write-Host "Exporting $rootKey to $regPath"
reg export "$rootKey" "$regPath" /y
# Step 3: List the steps performed
Write-Host "Backup completed successfully!"
Write-Host "Steps performed:"
Write-Host "1. Created backup folder: $backupFolderPath"
foreach ($rootKey in $rootKeys) {
$regPath = Join-Path -Path $backupFolderPath -ChildPath "$rootKey.reg"
Write-Host "2. Exported $rootKey to $regPath"
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