How to backup complete windows registry locally

Backup Windows Registry

Before starting any editing on the Windows Registry please backup by opening windows registry by the following steps:

  • To Manually backup Windows Registry :
    • Please open Windows Run Box by pressing WINDOWS + R key on you keyboard.
    • Then enter regedit.exe and press SHIFT + ENTER on your keyboard to run the command in administrator mode.

windows registry command
  • This will ask you to enter your administrator username and password or click on yes. Please enter the password or click on yes.
  • Now Windows Registry will be open and if any folders are open please sroll bar on the left panel to top from the current location
Windows registry
  • Now click on File on the top left corner of the screen and click on export.
export windows registry
  • You have to Choose the following options in the next menu:
    • The localtion/folder to save the registry file
    • The Name of the Backup file
    • On the bottom left of the pop up Select All to backup complete registry or alternatively Selected branch to backup only the selected branch as required
backup windows registry
  • Click on Save and backup is completed now you can check the backup file location once to confirm if the file has been created sucessfully.
  • To Backup Windows Registry through powershell :

  • Here's the PowerShell script that accomplishes these tasks:

    # Step 1: Create a backup folder if it does not exist
    $backupFolderPath = "C:\Windows\RegistryBackup"
    if (!(Test-Path -Path $backupFolderPath -PathType Container)) {
    Write-Host "Creating backup folder: $backupFolderPath"
    New-Item -Path $backupFolderPath -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null

    # Step 2: Backup registry for each root key
    $rootKeys = @(

    foreach ($rootKey in $rootKeys) {
    # Define export path for the current root key
    $regPath = Join-Path -Path $backupFolderPath -ChildPath "$rootKey.reg"

    # Backup the current root key
    Write-Host "Exporting $rootKey to $regPath"
    reg export "$rootKey" "$regPath" /y

    # Step 3: List the steps performed
    Write-Host "Backup completed successfully!"
    Write-Host "Steps performed:"
    Write-Host "1. Created backup folder: $backupFolderPath"
    foreach ($rootKey in $rootKeys) {
    $regPath = Join-Path -Path $backupFolderPath -ChildPath "$rootKey.reg"
    Write-Host "2. Exported $rootKey to $regPath"

  • Explanation of the powershell script:
  • 1. **Create Backup Folder**:
    - The script first defines `$backupFolderPath` as `C:\Windows\RegistryBackup`.
    - It checks if this folder exists using `Test-Path`.
    - If the folder does not exist (`!()` means "not"), it creates it using `New-Item`.

    2. **Backup Registry**:
    - The script then exports parts of the registry using the `reg export` command:
    - `HKCU` (HKEY_CURRENT_USER) is exported to `$regCUPath`.
    - `HKLM` (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) is exported to `$regLMPath`.
    - `$regCUPath` and `$regLMPath` are created using `Join-Path` to ensure correct paths.

    3. **List Steps**:
    - After performing the backup, the script outputs a summary of steps taken using `Write-Host`.

    ### Notes:
    - **Permissions**: Running PowerShell scripts may require administrative privileges, especially when dealing with the registry.
    - **Testing**: Always test scripts in a non-production environment before using them in a production setting.
    - **Backup Frequency**: Regularly backing up the registry is a good practice, particularly before making significant changes to your system.

    This script provides a straightforward way to automate the backup of specific parts of the Windows registry to a designated folder, ensuring that the folder is created if it doesn't already exist. Adjust paths and exported registry keys (`HKCU`, `HKLM`, etc.) as needed for your specific backup requirements.

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